

We had a studio project where we had to take pictures of flowers, I really liked how mine turned out plus it goes along with my final, with WATER.


Self Portraits

We are required to take a certain amount of self portraits every week and I absolutely love this assignment because I NEVER take pictures of myself unless it is for like facebook. It is very intresting and beneficial to take self portraits I am learning along about the placement of the camera in comparison to the "model" or myself. Very cool.

New Class New Pics

Sooo I haven't put anything up for awhile due to spring break and the lack of inspiration. I have a new teacher this quarter and I am really excited about it because she is AWESOME, and gives me lots of inspiration....here are a few things I have been working on....let me know what you think!


Magazine Cover


So we had a magazine cover due, and I did blender since it has this rocker, "whats new" feel to it. I chose this picture because she has a rockstar bad ass attitude and I love it, plus it fit well in the template. I think it is pretty good...


Final Project last quarter


These were a few photo's I took for my final project last quarter-just found them. I did it in my old basement with a beauty dish, very simple but pretty. My teacher felt it was too "dark" lol but I got my inspiration from americas next top model where they did different death scenes...


This is my first shoot ever at RIT, it was the first project which was taking someone from class and doing a portrait of them. I found them earlier and decided to posted them since I didn't have the blog when I took these! I still love them...:)


The triptych

Ok...so this is my triptych....very simple...but I like it. Not much else to say about this one.


"Make the Rink Pink!"

"Make the Rink Pink!"

So this weekend I went to the "make the rink pink" event which raises money for breast cancer. I think it was an awesome idea to get people together to go iceskating and it was for a great cause. There was also freeeee hot chocolate which was my favortie. It was a good experience and it had a great turn out I have never seen that many people at the RIT ice rink the whole time I have been here ( which has only been 3 months) but still. :) 

-Good idea-good cause-lots of fun :)


The 4X5

 Soooo I finally completed my 4X5 project, which took FOREVER. This is one of the two scenes I shot which was a cream cheese cake with rasberries and a glass of milk. Thank goodness my pals Natonyia Nelson and Alyssa Bunzey were there to help! Chris Snyder  was there doing his project also which im sure came out awesome he did these delicious looking donuts and this big yummy lollipop. I actually liked doing the project after I got the hang of it. This picture is actually from my camera phone but pretty much showing what I took a picture of, I have to actually bring my film to the lab tomorrow to get in processed but overall I think the assignment was a success. I really enjoyed doing it after everything was said and done. Im not sure if I will do it again in the future becasue of the $ but lets keep and open mind....haha. But I had alot of fun with the pals dancing and having a good time while getting the project done, note for the future: most definately bring music and a great attitude to shoots, it will make the process so much better.


FINAL look at the Narrative...

So I finished the narrative and I put all 12 pictures onto one contact sheet, instead of listing each one separately. For the project we actually had to print two to a page which looks really nice but took up alot of space. Basically the narrative consists of the steps "Kevin"uses to shave, first putting the shaving cream on, then shaving, then wetting his face and taking a glance in the mirror to make sure he got everything perfect. The story itself isn't that interesting but I think the photos came out really cool, I also chose black and white because the tungsten lights made his skin very orange and it is hard to print. But I think black and white makes it look more original and gives the pictures more drama then there was.

Preview of Narrative Project

"A Close Shave"

I decied to do a short narrative about "a close shave" becasue I thought that it would be an interesting topic becasue not many people think of a narrative being someone shaving their face. But my pictures show different expressions, and different positions that one takes to shave their face, which can be quite funny. I also havent decided whether to keep the series in color or change it to B&W and this is just one picture of the series I will post the final up later.


"It takes balls to be a good photographer"

"There are to many photographers, to many good photographers, you have to stand out, period."

Kareem Black was even better than I thought he would be. He was completley real and blunt about everything he said. He spoke about instances he had with clients, such as Kimora Lee Simmons and how dealing with people in the business teaches you what kind of photographer you are. There are instances in your career that determine when your career is going. He was very inspirational to me, I want to be where he is by the time I am 30. This woke me up, and made me realize what I have to do in order to be who I want to be. I have to be daring and go out and get what I want. I have to "stand out". I have to think and create things that people have never thought of or experienced before. I have to be fresh.

He also said "your only as good as your last job" so even if there are jobs out that there that arent necessarily "fun" it is still important to do your best work, and at least fake that your enjoying it.
Being a photographer you have to wear many hats, meaning that you have to play alot of different roles..such as a problem-solver, entertainer, and many other things. The photographer is responsible for the outcome of the photo, even if the makeup artist messed up, or the director, it all comes down on the final image, and if it is bad due to those things it is put on the photographer. SO photographers have to do more than simply take a picture.

Also listening to him inspired me to try new techniques and actually enjoy to learn about the 4x5 camera, because knowing more than the next photographer is very beneficial. Because Photography is such a competitive career. He just really opened my eyes to world of ad photography and spoke about the life of an ad photographer, with alot of truth.

The thing that impressed me the most was that he spoke of emotions and the connection in the photographs. Even though he does all of these big ads with burger king and verizon, his true passion is these portaits of people that he doesnt even know. He said it is like a "blind date" he never knows how the outcome is going to be but it is exciting, and you meet alot of people that way and learn different peoples personalities. And photography is all about the people you meet and know, and connections.

One thing always leads to another he said and I hope that being @ RIT will lead me to be something great, I want to have a great career and do what I love, which is photography. I am super excited that I went to this lecture and I am excited for others to come and what I can learn about these inspirational photographers.

Kareem Black

SO KAREEM BLACK, a very well known and amazing ad photographer will be @ RIT today and I am super stoked. He started his career with music photography and celebrity portraiture he i currently shooting for clients such as Verizon, Burger King, Kool AId, Vitamin Water, MTV, Flaunt, GQ , Vibe and many others.
His work is extremely expressive, bold, and full of life. He is one of my favorite photographers because he is so versatile, and puts alot of thought and emotions into his work! The lecture is @ 7pm tonite so stay stuned there will be a blog later on of how amazing he was! 

- On the bottom of my blog site is his site.

"Another Girl"

Soooo we've been working on this emulate project in class, well actually we have been working on several projects including a narrative, a still life with the 4X5 camera and the emulate. The emulate was hard, specifically because you have to copy someone elses work...which I do not really agree with. I feel that other peoples work should be there for inspiration not emulation. There are good things that came along with the project such as practicing lighting in the studio and trying to emulate professional work...but I just feel that we need to expand on our own ideas...but thats just ME>>> and the 4X5 camera project is going to be interesting because its a whole new camera, the only thing that bothers me is how expensive the film and everything is, but once again ( a good experience ) and narrative...well thats just a project to keep us busy.....


The wonderful world of SPAGHETTIOs

First of all, who decided to spell it that way?? I had to look it up and realized I have been spelling "spaghettios" as "spaggettios" all my life...wow. Well I would not survive college without the cosumption of these wonderful little O's. Campbell's even got creative, and started making disney princess shapes and Dora the Explorer. But I still love the classic ABC's. There just so delicious. It is one of few foods that are inexpensive and amazingly delicious, they come quite close to the common <<>>. Spaghettios are about 89 cents per can depending on the food store while ramen is about 6/1.00 both are magically delicious. (and no lucky charms are not cheap)....

"Ticket To Ride"

So-names Jhnea....(Jah-nay) yes yes I know...unique. So, I have finally decided to start a blog about this going on in life and since I am now a photography student at RIT, I need to start putting my work and ideas out there for the world to seeee! So yea, this is my first post which is mainly just trying this out....I will be updating the page here and there adding my images, my favorite photographers and their images, crazy images I randomly take and much, much more :)